Wednesday, March 7, 2018

In Memory of Jutta Schubert

Jutta A. Schubert
Born 16 November, 1927
Died 13 Febraury, 2018

Last Friday, I once again found myself with my family at the Rüngsdorfer Friedhof in Bad Godesberg, Germany. Just a few months ago, we had gathered there in celebration of my Oma’s 90th birthday to pay a visit to Opa’s final resting place. This time, we gathered in sadness and mourning as we laid Oma to rest. Now, she is together again with her husband in her home town.

My Oma was a remarkable woman. She was a strong and independent lady who traveled all over the world with her family, from Germany to Costa Rica to England. She raised three kids who followed suit traveling around the world, ending up with a family spread across several continents in which English, German, Spanish, and Portuguese are all spoken. She was a bookworm, and read in several languages, too – entire walls of her house are covered in books instead of wallpaper. She had a sharp wit and a deep intellect. Throughout her life, although she lived through some difficult times, she always appreciated the beauty in the world – through her love of gardens, birds, art, and music.

I grew up moving every two to three years, but no matter where I was living, Oma always sent a birthday card and a Christmas card, without fail. She came to visit in all the places we lived – Brazil, Argentina, Virginia, Stockholm, and Texas – because she said that she liked to be able to visualize our lives when she talked to us on the phone. We visited her often, too – my brother and I spent many dreamy summers with her in England, playing in her backyard, or walking into town, or watching ships float through the locks of the Thames while sucking on a popsicle. When she moved to Berlin, there was a whole new world to explore. My brother and I both lived with her in Berlin at one time or another for a summer, and many Christmases were spent sitting together in the house with a fire burning in the fireplace – just about as gemutlich as you can get.

Oma was with me for every step of my life, and she was always supportive of me and proud of what I was doing, no matter what it was. I was so lucky to have had such a wonderful person in my life, cheering me on and supporting me unconditionally. I know that I would not be the person I am today without her influence and her love. I only hope to lead as fulfilling and happy of a life as Oma did.

Singing "Hoppe Hoppe Reiter"

Watching the boats go by on the Thames.

Visiting in Berlin

 Thank you for everything, Oma. I miss you.

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